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photography by Amelia Thelin
2009 NUSA Conference
Spokane WA
Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhoods organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences toward building stronger communities, NUSA now continues to encourage networking and information sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships between neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector.
The City of Spokane's Office of Neighborhood Services applied for and won a competitive bid process to bring the 2009 NUSA conference home. I am honored to accept the responsibility for coordinating this conference which is expected to draw 1,000 leaders from 65 major metropolitan cities, and create an economic impact of $1 million for the City of Spokane.
In addition to coordinating this conference, scheduling speakers, workshops, and obtaining sponsorships, and I am also responsible for managing the budget, and designing and producing all conference materials.
I am truly excited about this conference, and would love to see you there! If you have any questions on the conference please contact me at (509) 625-6733.

Wishing all my friends & clients a very merry holiday season.